New Hope Company Ltd.

  • Buea, Cameroon

Africa Automotive Directory

New Hope Company Ltd.


Buea, Cameroon

What we do
The company , whether directly or indirectly and in all countries but more particularly in Cameroon, have the following as its objects:

a) Providing business consultancy services, import/export, Contracts, Network Marketing by offering career orientation services, educational training services, recruitment services, and job enrolment services to its clients;

b) Providing education services to students, professionals, skilled and unskilled individuals seeking to improve and enhance their skill and talent level to further their career locally and internationally;

c) Providing information technology (IT) management consultancy services by offering computer and network solutions aimed at improving and facilitating business operations and guiding company owners, executives, and employees in the use of information technology (IT) in support of client�s strategic business goals;

d) Providing telecommunication services by offering Internet access, web browsing services, cyber caf�s, and call box services for local and international telephone calls.

e) Providing training services by offering tailored training courses and seminars geared at strengthening and complementing various management skills including but not limited to: language training, computer literacy, and office administration management services;

f) Providing job placement services to clients and job seekers, locally and around the globe, seeking employment locally or internationally by actively seeking, on the one hand, to represent the interests of job seekers in a multi-disciplinary sense, as an employment intermediary with employers; on the other hand, undertaking to serve the needs of job seekers with unique specialized skills and talents capable of filling jobs or positions requiring their specific skills, talents, abilities and experience locally and internationally;

g) Providing investment, by any means, in all enterprises or companies, branch offices, created or to be created, which could be deemed to be related to the objects of the company, notably by means of creating new companies, contributing capital, investing as sleeping partners, acquiring securities, merging, or other legal instrument of growth deemed appropriate in pursuit of company�s goals and objectives as outlined in these Memorandum and Articles of Association;

h) Providing all operations and business functions relating to financial, commercial, industrial, real estate, stocks and share transactions, deemed to be related to the object of the company or connected therewith;

i) Representing the interests of local, international multinational companies, and non-governmental organizations (NGO) around the globe with similar or complementary objectives;

j) Adopting such means of making known the activities of the company as may be deemed expedient and profitable and in particular by advertising in newspapers, on radio, television, by circulars, by posters and flyers; and

k) Providing expert opinions and administration directly or indirectly connected with one or more of the objects here-above specified and undertaking all other such actions deemed as incidental, conducive or necessary or vital to the accomplishment of the objects of this company.

9. The liability of its Directors and shareholders is limited.

Where we operate:

3. REGISTERED OFFICE. The registered office of the Company is in Mile 16 Buea. But we are currently situated in University Street Buea, South West Region - Republic of Cameroon, with a branch office in Yaounde and the Company may by resolution create branch offices in any part or region of the national territory.

4. HEAD OFFICE. The head office is currently in University Street Buea, South West Region - Republic of Cameroon. The head office may be moved to any part of the same city, or another city within the national territory of Cameroon, upon the decision of the shareholders and board of directors and equally upon an extraordinary resolution of shareholders

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