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Ndume Limited is one of the few local suppliers of agricultural equipment and supplies in East Africa. It manufacturers agricultural equipment and machinery that is preferred by many African farmers because of its low prices and high quality. Ndume is well known and respected throughout the East African region as the only true agricultural and machinery manufacturer in East Africa. Ndume machinery is built to last, easy to use and simple to maintain. In an economy driven and dominated by agriculture, an operational agricultural machine manufacturing factory creates plaenty of business opportunities.

The main focus of Ndume's business initiative is in the agriccultural sector, a market Ndume has been serving since 1965. For the small holder farmer, the Ndume product is ideally suited, designed and manufactured locally in Kenya with the experience of many years.

In a bid to provide a better product range for African farmers, we are open to partnership and distributorship offers from reputed manufacturers of agricultural equipment and machinery. 

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