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Faits peu connus sur l'Afrique et les marchés africains...

• Algeria plans to double its oil and gas exploration efforts within the next three years.

• Sudapet, Sudan's national petroleum company, plans boost its oil recovery yield by another 1 billion barrels.

• SouthWest Energy is to acquire Petronas Carigali's oil and gas interests in Ethiopia.

• Kenya's benchmark coffee grade rose 8.5% at auction.

• Namibia has set aside N$ 8 million to help farmers increase Namibia's surplus mahangu crop.

• An Indian line of credit to Mozambique of US$ 500 million is intended to finance projects in infrastructure.

• The EU has provided EUR 20 million to the International Fund for Agricultural Development for ECOWAS.

• The World Bank provided funding of US$ 150 million to Ethiopia to support increased agricultural productivity.

• The AfDB Group, Citigroup and IFC are to provide US$ 175 million in trade financing for exporters and importers in Africa.

• Zambia's annual inflation rate was down from 8.2% in August to 7.7% in September, 2010.

• South Africa has the dubious distinction of having the world's largest gap between rich and poor.

• The high prices of gold, industrial minerals, oil, cotton, corn and other commodities on world markets are a boon to African producers.



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