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Investors for tourism / resort: ghana

I am seeking a partner / investor in a unique Tourism business to be based in Ghana. Full details regarding the business shall be furnished to serious inquirers only. Contact for further details.
Tourism & Hospitality Consultantancy

We are an Austrian Tourism and Hospitality Consulting Company, Worldbank registered (dg-Market) We do have Business experience in Ghana, we have been involved in the planning of the Accra Airport City in 1997, 1998 and 1999, unfotunately the project has been stopped after the elections as a World Trade Centre has been planned by the new Government, respectively the Airport Authorities. Before this project we have been doing a tourism study for the Ghana government.

We do have axcess to funds from the European Union, the OPEC Fund in Vienna, the TFC and Venture Capital companies. Depending on the security and the private capital (Minimum 30 % of the total Project Costs including the land

we could obtain non refundable funds from the EU.(For tourism or infrastructure projects.

At the moment we are doing projects in Rwanda, in Butare anad in Kenya, Nakuru

for the local city council.

If u are interested, please let us know a.s.a.p. as we will be in the area, Kenya , from June 15th for aprox. 5- 6 weeks.

In the meantime, best regards from Austria

H. H. Bucher

Austroconsulting Int.


Dear Sir,

we are doing visa for african clients who is coming to Dubai for businss purpose, good services and good prices,

i am waiting for your good replay,



? I am seeking a partner / investor in a unique Tourism business to be based

? in Ghana. Full details regarding the business shall be furnished to serious

? inquirers only.


? Contact for further details.


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