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Second hand cars form eu
Good day,
Can offer wide range of used vehicles, any make any size ( as long as it fits in container ) any age. We can do spares ( cut them in two peaces to fit more in one container ) We also have wide range of USA cars.
We been trading in all Europe. Our offices are in Portugal, Spain, Germany, UK, Latvia.
All cars comes with EU registracion ( USA cars too ) and original number plates or transit number plates.
Less than years old
I would like the cost of a 40ft container to Liberia, Monrovia, Free Port.
I need 4 Mercedes with air conditioner and I would appreciate pictures.
Please send me additional info. Website, make /model,pricing etc...
Used cars from E.U.
Dear Sir.
What makes/models do you require. For what country needed?
What quantities and condition and what side steering?.
Regards, Thomas.
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