Lead Info

Investing in small scale mining

I am Ghanaian and very reputable personality I own Small Biz in Kumasi Ghana I wish to look for any interested Investor especially from India, South Africa, Canada, Uzbekistan, USA, Qatar, Brazil and Europe who wish to invest in Small Scale Mining that I can and fully prepared to work with him/her because Ghana is currently one of the leading Gold, Diamond, Klinka for Cement, Bauite for Aluminiun and Crude Oil in the World so we have these Products in abundance and Regulations of Mining is Swift as may be perceived. Thank you BERNARD ANKOMAH
We need your Proposal & Business Plan

Hello Bernard

We need your Business Plan for our consideration to assist. We can invest in the Mining of Gold and Diamonds



Interested in your business proposal

Dear: Ankomat

please describe to us your project

Thank you


Hi !

Please send your details. We are into exports of various products, including TRIBAL PRODUCTS, like, Silk Apparels, Home Furnishings, Jute/Terracotta and other products, Paintings, etc. All made by tribal people of India.


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