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Distributors wanted for cosmetics in africa

We are a cosmetics manufacturer based in india manufacturing a vast range of skin care products. Looking for importers & distributors in Africa

? We are a cosmetics manufacturer based in india manufacturing a vast range

? of skin care products.

? Looking for importers & distributors in Africa


Plz give me details of the products in your collection and your deal. I am interested in doing business with you.

Thank you.


Marketing Agent in Africa

We are distributers trading under AE VENTURES located in 2C Nambeke street limbe and registered under supplies and general merchants and we are ready to supply your products in any part of Africa. pls contact us for updates

Application for distributorship in Zimbabwe

We would like to be your distributors in Zimbabwe

Interested for South African market

Please send more info


Require Your Products Information

Please send more details about your products


Body Cream and lotion

Hi Jayadeesha,

This is a product that could be used as facial cream and moisturizing cream and it has been made with herbal eastern medicine.

So in case if you can find a market for these products in your country I can send you a sample shipment as a sales promotion. Hence please let me know the kind of documents needed as country requirement to sell such products.

Additionally if there any standards to fulfill as government rule in product specifications please let me know your opinion.


? Please send more details about your products


? Dr.Jagadeesha.M


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