Mighty Power Company Limited

Health & Beauty
  • Accra, Ghana

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Mighty Power Company Limited

Health & Beauty

Accra, Ghana

MIGHTY POWER TONIC is a potent unique blend, highly effective health promoting pure traditional herbs. It has been scientifically formulated for the treatment of the following ailments Its establish fact that, as we grow old we need to prevent and protect our body from certain ailments, such as:- 
* Waist Pain     
*Back pain      
*Sexual weakness 
*Poor vision 
*Hair loss 
*Nervous breakdown 
*Kidney problems 
*Infertility etc. 

That sometimes result in certain diseases like stroke, nervous breakdown which in some cases paralyses the body. MIGHTY POWER TONIC is of immense benefit in achieving these results. MIGHT POWER TONIC once again is to help regain physical ability, improve and help normal functioning of nervous system, increase energy, eliminate signs of exhaustion, regulate general health and normal function of the various organs and improved muscular tone. Also for bodily pains, kidney problems, severe headaches, general weakness, sexual weakness, blood purification, stomach disorders, abdominal pains. 

Mighty Power Tonic also helps to regulate menstrual cycle and menstrual flows Iron Iron is not only essential for red blood cells, but is also a component of enzymes in all the cell of the body. Activity of iron in mighty power tonic is supplemented by a group of vital nutrients such as honey, black cohosh root, red ginseng root extract, ginger root, rosemary and pure natural minerals, iron is also essential for transporting oxygen to and making use of it when it arrives. 

Minerals are essentially important in aiding the effectiveness of specific vitamins. Poor eating may result in the loss of dietary minerals and prevention of deficiency can be helped with the minerals in Mighty Power Tonic. Natural mineral herbs are needed for the efficient utilization of other foods and for body structure. Mineral elements in Mighty Power Tonic have two general body function-building and regulating.

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