Mount Gerizim

Home Appliances
  • Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

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Mount Gerizim

Home Appliances

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

We are based in Arusha but we offer our services to customers all over Tanzania. We guarantee top-quality services and timely supply of Sawyer Water Filters.


Because Sawyer Filters are the fastest, easiest and most cost efficient way to get safe water.

Economic Impact: Income is no longer spent on medical bills for preventable diseases; The filter pays for itself within a year with money that would have been spent on medical bills or fuel/wood to boil water; Men and women are healthy enough to work and earn a living; Parents don’t have to stay home from work and tend to their sick children; Children can attend school and get an education.

Empower A Village: 

Recent studies have shown Sawyer filters eliminate up to 85% of all diarrhea, 98% of which was obtained through water. The remaining diarrhea was contracted through touching contaminated food and inadequate washing which sanitation and hygiene education will help to further reduce. When you eliminate waterborne disease from a village you empower that village in more ways than you can imagine.

Environmental Impact:  

Sawyer water filters are among the most significant developments in the history of environmental conservation. The filter completely eliminates the need to clean water by boiling. The average family of four who cleans their water by boiling burns the equivalent of 10 to 40 trees, 39 gallons of oil, or 211 pounds of natural gas. The only energy source required by Sawyer filters is gravity.

PointONE Filter: 

Create a point of use water filtration system in minutes by affixing the 0.1 micron filter to a locally found plastic container. Fill up the bucket with water from a lake, stream, borehole, contaminated well and gravity does the rest. This fast flowing system produces more than enough clean, safe water for a family’s daily drinking, cooking and cleaning needs. With proper maintenance the filter never needs replacing. When it clogs or slows down simply backwash it with the included syringe.

Removes: ALL harmful bacteria and protozoa

Output: Up to 360 gallons per day using gravity. Increase the output with additional filters or increased head pressure.

Life expectancy: Capable of lasting decades

PointZERO Purifier: Ideal for remote medical clinics, this 0.02 micron purifier removes viruses in addition to all harmful bacteria and protozoa without the use of chemicals. Affix the purifier to a plastic container and gravity does the rest. Turn swamp water into surgical water in seconds.

Removes: ALL harmful bacteria and protozoa as well as viruses

Output: Up to 150 gallons per day using gravity. Increase the output with additional filters or increased head pressure.

Life expectancy: Capable of lasting decades

Weight: 12 ounces, find a bucket when you get in country

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