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Palette Computers

Computers & IT


PALETTE is a global broad-based technology services integrator that helps companies implement intelligent solutions that solve business and operational issues. PALETTE's suite of services aim to meet the unique requirements of organizations, while at the same time adding value. Our solutions offering include:
  • Network Security
  • Business Consulting
  • Developing Custom Solutions
  • Implementing Packaged Solutions
  • Outsourcing and Managing ApplicationsServers, PCs, & Networking Hardware
PALETTE was established in 1993. The company is privately held and is headquartered in Nigeria. 

Is your network connected to the Internet? Is your most valuable information protected from compromising and disgruntled staff within or outside your network? Are you safe from hackers? Internet-connected systems are vulnerable to a variety of devastating threats and risks. Majority of the successful attacks via the Internet can be traced to exploitation of one of the many security flaws in the company's software and devices. Hackers count on organizations not fixing these problems and they often attack indiscriminately by scanning the Internet for vulnerable systems. Information security cannot be achieved at the touch of a button or by the installation of certain software. Securing your network demands constant vigilance, and the knowledge to know what to look for. Network security is not a product, it's a process.

The starting point of any sound security policy is the network infrastructure itself. By building a network whose strong and weak points are know from the start, PALETTE can develop a tailored set of physical-computing environment, security policy and hardware/software solutions to suit particular needs.

Document Management
PALETTE offers solutions taht are smart, flexible, and easily integrated into the document management paraphernalia of a broad range of business and government needs. Our solutions build on the advantages of paper documents rather than abandoning paper altogether. Documents are scanned page for page, and a high-resolution photocopy is retained online. Files can still be printed, exchanged, stored and retrieved, but these functions are just the beginning.

Linux Services
Over the years PALETTE has made huge investments establishing the open source paradigm, not as competition to the proprietary mode but as an alternative in the large number of cases where different models are satisfactory. To this end we have instituted programs in support, training, management and strategising in all things open source, and in LINUX inparticular.

PALETTE provides Firewall / IPSec VPN security solutions that are purpose-built to perform essential security functions. These integrated devices combine a Stateful Inspection firewall with Deep Inspection technology for application-level protection, IPSec virtual private networking (VPN) capabilities, and denial of service (DoS) mitigation functions.

Anti-Virus Control
Computer viruses manifest themselves in a variety of forms and take aim at an even more intriguing variety of targets along the information chain. A more efficient strategy for control would therefore regard malicious code as not just an entity but a process, a way of thought. At PALETTE we take this one step further by organising solutions that closely track the normal trends in your computing resources, the better able to react quickly in the event of any deviation.

Web Development
What was the web meant to be? people ask, a little over ten years after the medium first burst into the world's imagination.The answer might well lie to the left or right, depending on what you want to use the web for. At PALETTE we try to answer that question for our clients whether they use the web for business or non-business related activities. In addition we use sound analytics to tell them who comes visiting on their sites, what they did, where they came from and where they headed off to.

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