CDN Mobile Solutions

  • Johannesburg, South Africa

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CDN Mobile Solutions


Johannesburg, South Africa

CDN Mobile Solutions is a mobility division of CDN Solutions Group. CDN Mobile Solutions offer mobile application development services for different platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry and others. We generally provides multiplayer app development, HTML5 application development, Cross platform app development, Unity 3D game development, Augmented reality app development, Internet of things app development and many more.

We offer following services:

  • iPhone Application Development
  • iPad Application Development
  • Android Mobile Application Development
  • Blackberry RIM Application Development
  • Windows Phone Application Development
  • HTML5 Application Development
  • Cross Platform Application Development
  • Augmented Reality Application Development
  • Unity 3D Application Development
  • Internet of Things Application Development
  • Multiplayer Gaming Application Development

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