SA Precious Metals (Pty) Ltd

  • Gauteng, South Africa

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SA Precious Metals (Pty) Ltd


Gauteng, South Africa

SA Precious Metals Pty Ltd is a wholly South African company and specializes in the manufacturer of a large range of precious metal fine chemicals, refining of precious metals, as well as the fabrication of precious metal products: 
  • Fine silver anodes
  • Fine silver wire 0.5mm and 0.9mm diametre
  • Hexachloro platinic acid H2PtCl6.6H2O
  • Hexachloro platinic acid solution in hydrochloric acid H2PtCl6 solution
  • Potassium hexachloro platinate K2PtCl6
  • Potassium tetrachloro platinate K2PtCl4
  • Tetraammine platinum(II) nitrate [Pt(NH3)4](NO3)2
  • Tetraammine platinum(II) nitrate solution [Pt(NH3)4](NO3)2 solution
  • Platinum(IV) oxide hydrate PtO2.xH2O
  • Palladium(II) chloride PdCl2.xH2O
  • trans-Diammine dichloro palladium trans-Pd(NH3)2Cl2
  • Palladium(II) nitrate solution in nitric acid Pd(NO3)2 solution
  • Tetraammine palladium(II) chloride [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2
  • Palladium acetate Pd(CH3CO2)2
  • Hexachloro iridic acid H2IrCl6.xH2O
  • Hexachloro iridic acid solution in hydrochloric acid H2IrCl6 solution
  • Iridium(IV) chloride hydrate
  • Ruthenium(III) chloride hydrate RuCl3.xH2O
  • Ruthenium(III) chloride solution in hydrochloric acid
  • RuCl3 solution
  • Silver nitrate AgNO3
  • Silver sulphate Ag2SO4
  • Silver chloride AgCl
  • Silver cyanide AgCN
  • Silver potassium cyanide  KAg(CN)2
  • Silver(I) oxide Ag2O
  • Tetrachloroauric acid hydrate HAuCl4.xH2O
  • Tetrachloroauric acid solution HAuCl4 solution
  • Tetrachloroauric acid hydrate brown HAuCl4.xH2O
  • Gold potassium cyanide

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