Jurist Consultant

  • Port Louis, Mauritius

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Jurist Consultant


Port Louis, Mauritius

Jurist Consult Chambers is a leading law firm in Mauritius and the region. For over twenty five years, our local and international clients, whether individuals or corporate, have entrusted us with their legal challenges. We also advise clients who wish to invest in Mauritius or in the Global Business sector. To meet these challenges we combine intellectual rigour, extensive industry insight, hands-on regulatory experience and high performance to provide them with legal solutions – more importantly, to help them adapt to the challenging legal and regulatory environments in which they operate and to succeed. 

Our members come from various legal backgrounds, having been educated and professionally trained both in Mauritius and in other jurisdictions such as France and the United Kingdom. They all practise at the Mauritian Bar and are well versed in the Mauritian legal and business environment. 

All the work entrusted to the firm can be made alternately in French and English, which are the working languages of the firm and we all speak Creole.

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