Mt Elgon Solar and Windmill Project

Electronics & Electrical
  • Mbale, Uganda


Mt Elgon Solar and Windmill Project

Electronics & Electrical

Mbale, Uganda

Harnessing the sun and the wind: Solar and windmill project, the Mt Elgon Solar and Windmill Project was launched in October 2009. The aim of this project is to provide alternative sources of energy power to our people in Uganda. At present 99.9% of Ugandan people depend on firewood for cooking and this has had far reaching negative effects on the environment. What's more, there is no electricity and therefore no light in vast majority of homes here. 

Now we are building our own solar panels which will provide energy for small solar lamps and cookers. This will bring light to our community. It will also enable us to use water pumps to assist us to cultivate our crops. This will mean we do not lose our crops in drought and it will prevent famine. 

By using solar power for cooking we will also reduce emissions into the atmosphere. And the project will provide jobs for young people creating the panels. The next step will be to build wind mills so that we can harness the power of the wind. This is very significant to us. Our people have always been at the mercy of the heat of the sun and the power of the winds. Often the winds have destroyed our crops, blown the roofs of our houses. And sometimes we have wilted under the heat of the sun. 

Now, however, when it is too hot we will know that this heat will bring us light in the darkness. And when the winds are blowing, we will know they are bringing us power. We have opened up space to train organisations and groups of people who would want to learn how to make solar.

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