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Jungle Junction

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism

Livingstone, Zambia

Jungle Junction is a magical experience of island heaven on the Zambezi River in Zambia. Bovu Island is our main camp, with wooden huts by the river and a shady campsite. This really is a junction - a place where travellers meet and where new journeys begin.

A chance to relax completely and recharge your batteries. Explore the islands and the river, enjoy our activities, or just lie in a hammock and read a book from our library. Jungle Junction is near Livingstone (1 hour drive), the Victoria Falls, and Botswana's Chobe National Park.

The Jungle Junction culture is based on three ideals:

*Commitment to the local people.
*Appreciation of and caring for nature.
*Creation of a tranquil and timeless hideaway.

All are welcome at Jungle Junction - world travellers, artists, botanists, ornithologists, NGO volunteers, residents of Zambia and its neighbours, families, gap-year students. 

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