Wolexdok Micro-Processor

Computers & IT
  • Nigeria

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Wolexdok Micro-Processor

Computers & IT


Wolexdok Micro-processor is a leading provider of enterprise content/information management and security solution to manufacturing, engineering, construction, energy & utilities, healthcare, maritime, airline, educational, agricultural, law enforcement, legal, financial, publishing, and government industries. A member of the certified institute of information and records management of Nigeria, Wolexdok Micro-processor has always been associated with complete quality products and professional services to enhance our client's productivity, efficiency and guaranteed return on investment.

We offer a range of Information Management, Security and Technology Services as follows: Electronic Form Design & Processing, Document Scanning, Digitization & Storage, Data Conversion & Integration Services, Design & Implementation of Electronic Document , Management System, Electronic Workflow & Database Design, Data / Information Security & Content Management, Records / Information Management Policy, Program & Plan Development, Disaster Recovery Services, Records & Information Management Audit, Secure Document Destruction, Application Development, Computer Hardware & Software Sales, Distribution & Maintenance, Web Design & Hosting, Information Management Consultancy & Support Services, Corporate Training.
We focus particularly on active, semi-active and inactive contents & information,  information management policy, records retention policy & compliance, electronic form/records/content management implementation, consultancy services, disaster recovery, document scanning and digitization, offsite storage, training, Web hosting/design, enterprise application development, information and data security, web based information system. 

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