CarPartsNigeria Automobile Ltd.

Automobile Parts
  • Lagos, Nigeria

Africa Business Directories

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CarPartsNigeria Automobile Ltd.

Automobile Parts

Lagos, Nigeria

CarPartsNigeria is a Goldmine for locating replacement autoparts. Simply enter your search into our revolutionary discount part-locator engine. Hit search and sit back and relax while we do the work for you. Our Locator Engine will instantly search our massive vendor inventory and databases all across Nigeria and Ghana giving you access to Multiple vendors, prices and service possibilities. 

Let's cut out the middleman and save you 60% of cost of buying autoparts. Our measure of success is not a product but the satisfaction, delight or disappointment of the customer. is Committed to Delivering high quality autoparts at the least price possible through our vendor commitments.

CarpartsNigeria was born out of the need to Centralize parts inventory across the nation. A place to find difficult auto parts, Reduce high prices and ensure that trust worthy vendors can compete and satisfied buyers can appreciate great business. We vet and rate our vendors so we can remove the headaches of bad autoparts vendors.

Once you enter the information regarding the used auto parts you wish to find, performs an instant search of the database. Within seconds, you'll be presented with a list of suppliers that have the auto part you need. No need to drive to ten places to find one part. Consolidate your time and money.

Since our database of information is always fresh and up-to-date, we provide you with the fastest, most accurate search results for top-quality used and new car parts online. We save you even more time by sorting the results by proximity to your geographic location, enabling you to find the exact used car part you're looking for, at a location near you.

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