Bridging Technologies Ltd.

  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Africa Pharmaceutical Directory

Bridging Technologies Ltd.


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

We are a prominent consulting company offering Business & Investment Consultancy Services. At Tan Biz Link we assist Businesses and Investors in all steps for Investing & doing business in Tanzania.
From Company Registration to different Licenses, Permits, Incentives etc.

Our Services

  • Company Registration
  • TAX Clearance, TIN & VAT
  • Business License
  • TIC Certificate of Incentives
  • Work Permits
  • Residence Permits
  • Business Visa
  • Trade Mark & Patent Registration
  • TBS Registration
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Filing of Annual Returns
  • Preparation of Business Plans

Tanzania enjoys an abundance of natural wealth which offers tremendous investment opportunities.

These include an excellent geographical location, arable land, mineral deposits and raw materials supply, a size able domestic and sub-regional market, abundant and inexpensive labor, warm friendly people, a suitable market policy orientation and world renowned tourist attractions.

We are your reliable business & investment partner in Tanzania when it comes to doing business in Tanzania.

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