OneLogix Cargo Solutions

Freight & Logistics
  • Durban, South Africa

Leads Generation Africa

OneLogix Cargo Solutions

Freight & Logistics

Durban, South Africa

OneLogix Cargo Solutions streamline and improve logistics and the way cargo is moved into, around & out of Southern Africa through a seamless integration of clearing and forwarding, warehousing and project logistics. But better!

Our seamless clearing forwarding agent solutions are tailored to your unique needs, with efficient end-to-end delivery in both South Africa & beyond.

As one of the leading clearance and forwarding agents  for cargo solutions South Africa, the OneLogix Cargo Solutions team is dedicated to clearing client pain points and forwarding innovative gains within our business.

From enhancing logistic visibility to simplifying complex customs documentation, improving cost transparency to unifying invoices – our incremental departmental improvements deliver substantial value to our clients. These are just a few of the ways our clearing forwarding agent offer seamless clearing and forwarding.

As a successful clearing & forwarding agent, our teams provide the skills, experience and expertise that sets us above the rest. Our success is largely attributed to our strong leadership and high-performance culture. We’ve nurtured an environment of top achievers who’ve been honing their skills for years, so you can have the confidence to let them handle the rest. 

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