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Omnibus Power Solutions

Electronics & Electrical

Lagos, Nigeria

Omnibus Power Solutions, set up in 2005, is a leading marketing and services company in Nigeria. It markets power support products and appliances in Nigeria. omnibus Power Solutions Systems has a strong dealer network spanning the entire length and breadth of Nigeria. omnibus Power Solutions has marketing & service ability in 16 states of the country and its dealer network covers most locations in 28 states across the country. 

Power Solutions Systems has other business interests in Batteries, Consumer Appliances, Information technology and Networking Solutions. Omnibus Power Solution is focused to provide end-to-end solutions in enterprise-wide power support to Corporate offices, Telecommunication Service Providers, Data centers, Health care centers and Process Industries. 

Our accumulated experience of over time in power support gives our customers the categorical advantage of obtaining the most cost-effective & reliable power solutions by maintaining just a single point of contact. Equipped with an infrastructure and an experienced in-house technical manpower, we provide the full range of activities desired by our customers. 

Omnibus Solar is a leading solutions provider of solar electrification systems in Nigeria. Our goal is to maximize the utilization of solar solutions in meeting the illumination needs of the country from large scale installations on roads or in communities, to independent power solutions in corporate campuses and in rural homes. 

Omnibus Solar is a division of omnibus power solutions, an omnibus accenture company, operating across Nigeria's key industry verticals including Communications, Agriculture, Software, Transportation, Power and Alternative Energy. At omnibus Solar, we go beyond simply supplying products we provide solutions. As solar solutions increasingly address both rural and urban electrification needs, it is our mission at omnibus to be at the forefront of these developments and to offer Nigerians, solutions from leading providers across the world. 

Solar Street Lights we have immense experience in designing and executing projects for solar street lights, which combine the energy independence of photovoltaic technology with the energy efficiency of LED bulbs. Systems consist of: solar panel, LED lights, batteries, charge controllers, cabling and accompanying pole. Solar Bore Holes We have deployed solar bore-well solutions across Nigeria. These solutions provide water to millions of villagers who would otherwise have to spend a large part of their day, traveling to get clean water.Systems consist of: solar panel arrays, DC water pumps, batteries and accompanying structural materials. Solar Community Centers 

We have designed and executed projects for community centers which include village water storage facilities, entertainment centers and also serve as the prime destination for village meetings and gatherings. Systems consist of: solar panel arrays, water pumps, water tankers, televisions, LED lighting, inverters, batteries and accompanying structural materials.

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