Swedent Clinic Gambia Ltd.

Pharma / Medical
  • Kotu, Gambia

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Swedent Clinic Gambia Ltd.

Pharma / Medical

Kotu, Gambia

Swedent is a Swedish dental practice in Kotu, The Gambia. We have modern, air-conditioned facilities, staffed with top-class dentists from Europe. We can perform a variety of treatments, ranging from fissure-sealings, through orthodontics, fillings, rootcanal treatments, crowns, bridges and dentures to implant. Estethic dentistry like tooth whitening and tooth-jewellery is available. We also have contact with specialists in Sweden and there are regular visits, especially from our orthodontic specialists, enabling us to offer the most advanced treatments in The Gambia.

Swedent dental clinic started 1992 after the founder had served at Bansang Hospital for 3 years, during which period he realised the need of more modern dental clinics in the Gambia.After a few years in Bakau the clinic moved to its present site.
The idea behind Swedent is to offer a full-service dental clinic with all modern equipment, staffed all-year round, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. One dentist will be available with short notice-but might be temporarely trekking as the clinic has initiated and supports Teethsavers, an Oral Health Project aiming to implement Oral Health nationwide, primarily as information and instructions to schoolchildren.
The clinic has 2 surgeries and there is also a dental laboratory so in many cases there are 2 dentists or hygienists on duty.The clinic is backed-up with a powerful generator together with a watertank and filter. 

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