ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Private) Ltd.

Health & Beauty
  • Karachi, Pakistan

Fespa Middle East

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ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Private) Ltd.

Health & Beauty

Karachi, Pakistan

AFA Pharmaceuticals Laboratories (Private) Limitedis a Private Limited Company, founded in 1973, by itspresent Chairman and Chief Executive, Mr. MuhammadAmin Khan. Our founder firmly believes in thetheory of "MEDICINES FOR ALL", which plays akey role in setting up the prices of our newintroductions in the market. Our motto is"NOBODY SHOULD SUFFER FROM WANT OFMEDICATION"ZAFA is the 1st Pakistan based Multinational Pharmaceuticalmanufacturing concern with its own manufacturing facility basedin Khartoum Sudan. In addition to this we have presence in variousAfrican, Middle Eastern and South American countries.We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturing concern and has emerged as a leading Pharmaceutical Group of Companies that has brought the concept of Dedicated Manufacturing facilities in Pakistan. We are proud to be the 1st Pakistan BasedMultinational Pharmaceutical Manufacturing concern with our own operationall facilities in Khartoum, Sudan.We are presently ranked at #2 (we sell above 60 million unit packs per annum) inPakistan as per Unit Wise sales and are operating with Nine (9)manufacturingfacilities and two (2) to be commissioned soon.All these facilities are Pharmaceutical l facilities. In additionthere is one more facility for printing and packaging material.We started our manufacturing and marketing operations withanti-inflammatory and potassium supplements besides ironpreparations. Today ZAFA product range represents a wide categoryof therapeutic classes and we are one of the few companiesin the world to manufacture Insulin formulations(both Hunman and Bovine). Our present product range includesabove 300 products with another 30 in the pipeline, 13 of ourproducts are leaders in Pakistan as per Unit Wise sales.ZAFA is an equal opportunity employer and employs a staff of around3000 with around 50% being females.ZAFA has one of the largest manufacturing facilities in Pakistan withtotal covered area of over 500,000 square feet.We firmly believe that only professional people can run a progressiveorganization and implement its believes and philosophies. Our employeesare one of our most important assets and carefully tailored trainingprograms are run round the year for updating their knowledge and skills.In addition to Quality Control facilities at each of our units, wehave a fully equipped Central Quality Assurance/Control Laboratoryto monitor Quality at all our facilities.1200 Quality system documents have been developed andimplemented to streamline different processes and an effectivecommand and control system is present to ensure consistency andreproducibility. All Quality records are indexed and filed in such away to ensure easy and quick retrieval of records to show objectiveevidence of the effective operations of the company and complianceto our products.The management has developed an internal quality audit plan tocheck the effectiveness of the command and control system and across facility team has been developed and trained to performindependent audits of different facilities within the group.All this done in line with our prime policy statement of "ensuring theavailability of Quality drugs at Affordable prices throughout thecountry and world".

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