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J.M. Tours

Travel Agents

Arusha, Tanzania

As one of the first tour operators established in Arusha, Tanzania in 1985), J.M. Tours is a family owned and run company with the main focus on delivering personalized services of high standard. The owners and directors Barbro Finskas-Mushendwa and Joshua Mushendwa, were both mission workers and the majority of the guests are people related to church-, schools and NGO activities. Presently, there are 33 employees in the company including office staff, drivers/guides, and mechanics. 

The office staffs take care of all the pre-arrangements in form of route planning, accommodation and flight reservations, appointments etc. The drivers, who are also the tour guides during safaris, ensure that the guests are comfortable and looked after during the safari and visits as well as share their wide knowledge about the flora and fauna of Tanzania. Our own mechanics do all the necessary service and adjustments on the vehicles before and after the safari to ensure your safety and comfort. What We do: - Domestic and international flights and bus bookings - Airport pick up and transfer - Hotel bookings - Arrange Safaris to the National Parks, Game Reserves and Conservation Areas - Arrange safaris to historical and cultural sites - In co-operation with other registered companies, we arrange for mountain hiking and climbing of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru, Oldoinyo Lengai, and Usambara Mountains - Arrange trips to different beach holiday destinations including Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar and Pangani. 

Specially itineraries 
In co-operation with local churches and organizations we make tour programmes and activities for their visitors - Contact institutions, offices and congregations for study visits and follow up all the arrangements prior to the guests' arrival - Arrange for cultural tours as available among the local community - Take you on a guided tour in Arusha town or other towns / cities included in your itinerary - Rental of 4x4 vehicles - Create travel itineraries combining all above-mentioned activities to fit each individual client's preferences J.M. Tours and the environment 

At J.M. Tours we place an effort in conserving our environment with as much care as possible. Rainwater harvesting, recycling of paper, use of solar energy are just some of the initiatives taken in the company daily. J.M. Tours CSR J.M. Tours also takes on corporate social responsibility in the surrounding community. By donating, coordinating, and supervising external donations. 

We support several children and young people with their daily needs such as food and housing as well as financial aid to cover school fees and other educational needs. Taking on this responsibility, we reach out to help some of the underprivileged people in the local community to ensure them a better future. We also work with schools for deaf and mentally retarded in Arusha by providing necessities such as classrooms, furniture, teachers remuneration as well as promoting more recognition for the children.

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