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To provide a balanced education, fostering global awareness within a secure, positive environment, where children can fulfill their potential.
To promote high academic standards.
To encourage high standards of behaviour with particular emphasis on self-discipline, responsibility, tolerance, industry and courtesy.
To develop an understanding of and respect for the range of cultures within our community.
To encourage a sense of enquiry that values creativity and that develops the intellectual and analytical skills. To involve parents in a meaningful partnership in achieving these aims.
Class Parent Representatives
Each class in the Middle and Lower Sections has a Parent Representative whose prime purpose is to improve communication between parents and the class teacher.
It is also hoped that the Representative will assist parents new to the school (Maputo) adapt to to the school environment.
At the end of each of the three terms, reports are issued in which comments are made on a pupil's academic performance, general conduct and participation in extra-curricular activities.
There is at least one formal opportunity each term for parents to discuss their child's progress with his/her teachers, although parents are welcome to see the staff about particular concerns at anytime.