C & J Accounting

  • Harare, Zimbabwe

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C & J Accounting


Harare, Zimbabwe

C & J Accounting and Secretarial Services are probably the largest accounting/secretarial and consulting company in Zimbabwe, and we are expanding. In the main, the quality of our service attracts new clients and until now we have not had the need to advertise. Our decision to expand was taken to attract a new more sophisticated public and external clients who are desirous of taking advantage of the opportunities in Zimbabwe which will occur when the economy improves. We are confident that we can accommodate most new organizations and give them the services that they require all under one roof.

  • Accounting Services
  • Company Formations
  • Statutory Compliance
  • Shelf Companies
  • Company
  • Individual
  • PAYE for your employees
  • Capital Gains
  • Value Added Tax
  • Business Plans
  • Retrenchment/Restructuring
  • Business Brokering/Mergers
  • Agreements - Sale
  • Agreement - Lease
  • Wills - Local and External
  • Trusts
  • Foreign Investments
  • Foreign/Local Medical and Insurance Advice
The Accounting Division
While its basic function is to provide annual financial statements, there are many other services which our experienced staff can offer. These include preparing cash flows, projections for bank loans, budgets, wage packages, assistance in emigration applications etc. Please contact us if you require anything of a financial nature which will assist you in your business endeavors.
During a recent client audit we were dismayed to discover how many clients had failed to submit their papers in order that we could complete their financial statements. Some are now up to three or four years in arrears, making it extremely difficult to bring these up to date. We are sure that clients are aware that in terms of current legislation, companies are obliged to submit tax returns annually, accompanied by appropriate financial statements, even if they have not traded or generated any income.
We would appeal to clients to make every effort to give us the necessary information in order that we can get the accounts up to date and avoid potential penalties.
The Secretarial Division
As the name implies, this division handles secretarial matters including statutory returns, minutes, share certificates etc. It also sources shelf companies and handles company formations, and name searches.
You may have noticed that this division has decided to write to every client advising them when their annual returns fall due, and offering to submit these when the appropriate fee has been received. It is a legal requirement that annual returns must be submitted to the Registrar of Companies regularly. While our new system is working reasonably well, there are still companies who have fallen behind. There are severe penalties for defaulters and we would urge our valued clients to take not of this.
The Taxation Division
Normal annual taxation computations are prepared by the clients accountants, approved by the client and then submitted to the revenue Authority. This applies to company and individual returns.
However, any queries are generally handled by the taxation Division.
Other functions of this division include: Capital gains taxation, calculations and queries, Annual Payment Dates, Final Deduction System for Employers, VAT Registration and reconciliations.
Clients should be aware that if their financial statements are not completed on time, it is their obligation to estimate their annual income and make APD payments on this basis. This is quite acceptable and we would encourage our clients to take this route.
We have been advised that the new rate of interest charged on overdue accounts has been increased to approximately 242% per annum.
Capital Gains Tax
In terms of current legislation, CAPITAL GAINS TAX is payable on the sale of specific assets. These include immovable assets such as land and buildings and any marketable securities (shares) with the exception of those shares listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
In the case of immovable assets sold, transfers will not be effected by the Deeds Office until a Capital Gains Clearance has been received. However, in the case of Marketable Securities, it is the obligation of the seller to ensure that the Secretaries making the transfer have addressed this matter and received the appropriate clearance.
Consulting Services
This is the division which is involved in providing services which include: leases, sale agreements and Wills, Shareholders agreements, Trust documents - Personnel to act as trustees. Advising on the acquisition and sale of businesses and setting up of Corporate Structures, We also have personnel who can handle estates.
Other Services
Medical Facilities
Clients will have observed handouts in doctor's rooms titles MEDICAL EMERGENCY. We are all aware how certain medical services in Zimbabwe have deteriorated and how prices have escalated beyond the means of all clients. This applies particularly to medical evacuation and treatment which now costs millions of dollars.
A division within our organization called Platinum Advisory Services represents: Prosperity Health (SA), BUPA International (UK), Global Health (UK) and Zurich Life Insurance (UK) representing external life Assurance /pensions and critical illness cover.
While we are confident that most of these plans would suit your requirements, we recommend Prosperity Health's Executive Hospital Plan as it is a South African based medical scheme, covering the SADC Region. This covers emergency evacuation and treatment in South Africa. There are a large number of other options which we would be pleased to explain to you.
This is an exciting new development and if you want further information please contact Anthony Mackintosh or his representatives.
Platinum Investments
This is the investment division in our group which will invest your funds in reputable financial institutions and counters.
Two main types of investment are offered:
Platinum Call - this generally offers higher rates o interest than commercial banks and the funds are available when needed. Clients can add to this investment whenever they wish or leave the funds to grow for as long as required. Daily interest is calculated on the balance.
Platinum Fixed Investment - Clients decide on a period for the investment and are given a guaranteed interest rate for that period
There are various other options which our personnel would be pleased to explain to you.

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