Proficient Steel and Aluminum Co. Ltd.

Industrial Supplies
  • Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Proficient Steel and Aluminum Co. Ltd.

Industrial Supplies

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Proficient Steel and Aluminum Company Limited, is established and Incorporated under the Company Allied Matter Act of Federal Republic of Nigeria. With it register Office at 7 Akpan Avenue Iriebe Obio/Akpor, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria. With a Branch Office located off km17 Port Harcourt-Aba Express Way by Fertilizer Junction Interlock Road Iriebe Obio Akpor Rivers State Nigeria.

Our Major Activities cut across Oil and Gas, Constructions, Productions/Manufacturing, Exploration, Mining, Steel, Energy, Marine, Aluminum,Transport and Logistics, Import and Export, Marketing and Distributions.

OIL AND GAS: This includes Exploration, Drilling, Well Head Services, Instrumentations, Installation, Testing, Remediation, Oil Tools/Equipments,, Building of Gas(LPG, Fuel, ,Diesel, Kerosene,Tanks, Tank Farms, Water Tanks, Filling Stations, Tanks/Maintenance, Platforms, Cutting, Pipelines/Welding Services,, UnderSea Welding, Fittings Services, Rig Services, Fumigation, Valves Supplies, Contract Handling.

ENERGY: This includes Rural and Urban Electrification, Amor Cable and Transformer Installations, Gas Power Supply Installation, Gas/Fuel/Diesel KVA Gen Supplies for Domestic and Industrial Used, Maintenance and Repair Services,. Meter Installation, Industry/Private Wiring Services, Installation of Electric Shock Fence with Alarm, Installation of Smoke Detector.

CONSTRUCTION:. This includes Construction of. Roads, Bridges, Flyover, Houses, Corvettes, Fencing, Architect, Surveyor, Telecommunication Mask, Structural Weldings, Tank Stand, Water Reserval, Wearhouses, Town Halls, Advertisement Bill Boards, Vehicle Structures, Rail Line, Turnels, Tower, Office Partitions, Mobile Carbine.

STEEL:. This includes Sales of Pipes, Plates, Rings, Irons, Rods, Nuts and Supply Services, supply of Oil Tools/Equipments/Materials.

ALUMINUM: Production of Roofing Sheets/Tiles, Tubes and Profiles, Rings, Casements Windows and Doors, Slides Windows and Doors, Toilet/Reception Doors, Sun Reflection, Accessories, and Supply Services.

MINING: This ncludes Gold,, Ore, Linestone, /Marbles, Tantalite, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Leads Minings. Our mining cover both Surface and Underground. Our Foriegn experts/partners are professional in the Mining Services. The Equipments and Machines are always in perfect working condition. We also render Lease and Sales services to Companies, Public and Private Organization.

MANUFACTURING/PRODUCTIONS:: These includes productions of; Iron Doors, Gates, Protectors, Showcases, African Made Gas Burner, Grinder, Executive Glass Tables.

MARINE: The activities includes; Marine Services Boat Building, Barge Building, etc.

MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION:. Activities includes; Lifting of Petroleum Products, Marketing and Distribution of Petroleum, Steel Materials, Mining commodities/products, Aluminum Materials , Marine, Agriculture Products, Import and Export Services.

TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS: Activities includes Haulage, Internal/nter-state Transport Services,

Accessing and performing jobs on which the company will improve skills, experience, productions and Quality Services, create wealth/jobs for our youths, Male and Female Adults through employment, Empowerment/ Skills Training Programs and business expansion in other to end restiveness and make the World a better place.

MANAGEMENT TEAM: They are of made of Highly Experience Professional, Experts, Educated, Skills and Unskilled Personnels in various fields. There contributions make's the work easier and efficient.

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